Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Simpsons Bible Study Seriese

Now that The Simpsons and the 10 Commandments have been employed in Arizona, California, Texas and North Carolina, I have decided to write down the second series, The Simpsons and Society, in case others find it useful.

The Simpsons is one of the most popular television shows of all time. In the world of the Simpsons, a faimily of yellow cartoon people deal with the same issues that we confront in the real world.

The Simpsons and the 10 Commandments is a 10-week bible study in which each Commandment is paired with a 22 minute episode. This is a great way to introduce the 10 Commandments to people of all ages. All of these episodes come from the first 5 seasons. You can always rent a disk a week from Netflix. Follow the link:

The Simpsons and the 1o Commandments

Once you've got 'em hooked, I suggest you switch from bible study to hot-button issues and discussion. In this gathering time, you can get another 10 weeks out of The Simpsons in which each week you tackle a new issue. This covers things like gun control, gay marriage, evolution in schools, environmental issues, etc. I find this seriese to be very benificial for young people and old people alike. The episodes do come from various seasons, so let me know if you're having trouble tracking one down. I wouldn't suggest this for groups younger than high school aged.
Follow the Link:

The Simpsons and Society

Again, I don't have expressed writen consent from anyone, these are merely study aids. They have had some powerful results in the past, so use with care!

God's love,


PS: I'm working on a book called: The Simpsons and The Bible: From Pre-Monarchy to Post-Modernaty. Look for it in bookstores by the Summer of 2019!